And then some


I have written, contributed to or given interview to these publications

Pro Bono work

I have done some work pro bono from time to time. If public institutions, nonprofits or others with a low budget and an educational or altruistic goal wants to create a game or other interactive product, I give feedback and advice for free. Examples are the Danish Design Museum and the Danish Red Cross Youth.

Titles and near misses

I hold an M.A. in danish language and litterature on a thesis about interactive fiction, with the PC game Max Payne as the primary example.

I have had the honor of being listed as one of ‘38 future media talents‘ and the games Kontrakten and Drabssag/Melved have both been nominated for awards. Drabssag was nominated for the Ministry of Educations’ Undervisningsmiddelprisen and Kontrakten nominated for the Dansk Energis (Danish association of Energy companies) Elforskprisen.